Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Needless vaccine can have deadly consequences

Dear Friend,

What will it take for Big Pharma to stop pushing their dangerous and useless vaccines? Apparently, one death a month is not going to be enough.

That's the rate at which women who have had Merck's cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil, are dying, according to a new report. This is especially tragic because Gardasil is far and away the most unnecessary vaccine that's currently on the market (and that's really saying something).

An FDA report on Gardasil was recently obtained by Judicial Watch, a public interest group that campaigns against government corruption. They used the Freedom of Information act to show that the FDA has received reports of 10 deaths associated with Gardasil since September of 2007. Merck has come under fire for "fast-tracking" Gardasil to market without proper testing in order to be the first to offer this repulsive, needless vaccination.

In addition to the deaths, the report unearthed by Judicial Watch also noted a large number of other medical incidents involving Gardasil, including 140 serious adverse reactions (which included such pleasantries as anaphylactic shock, grand mal seizures, foaming at the mouth, coma, and paralysis – of these, 27 cases were considered life threatening), 10 spontaneous abortions, and six cases of Guillian-Barre Syndrome, a debilitating nerve disorder.

Sounds great, huh? But the above description is incredibly sanitized. The report found by Judicial Watch is a catalogue of horrors that includes the near instant death of many otherwise perfectly healthy women who died soon after their inoculation with Gardasil.

In one sickening case, a 14-year-old girl (who, I'll remind you, doesn't NEED a vaccination to avoid HPV), received her Gardasil shot, took six steps and then collapsed into unconsciousness, and began to foam at the mouth before coming out of it a minute later. Other patients weren't so lucky; one went into a coma and emerged paralyzed.

A 20-year-old with no medical history died four days after her Gardasil shot. Seven other women died within two days. And in one stunning instance, a woman died of a blood clot (the most common diagnosis in the case of the Gardasil-related deaths) within THREE HOURS of her inoculation.

In all, Judicial Watch says that at least 18 deaths are linked to the Gardasil vaccine, and it could be as many as 20.

All of these tragedies, and Merck has still had the nerve to put big bucks into getting every state in the country to MANDATE Gardasil to school girls as young as 11 years old. If it comes to that, believe me I'll be leading the revolution and storming the Capitol steps myself!

You can lay the blame for these horrors at the door of the idiots in the FDA, who allowed Merck's Big Pharma bucks to influence their decisions. As a result, they've turned all of America's young women into guinea pigs for their massive vaccine test.

"In the least, governments should rethink any efforts to mandate or promote this vaccine for children," said Tom Fitton, president of Judicial Watch. "Given all the questions about Gardasil, the best public health policy would be to re-evaluate its safety and prohibit its distribution to minors."

Amen to that. But I'll go a step further: let's get the FDA to prohibit the use of Gardasil! It's a long shot since we don't have Big Pharma's money – but we can start by flooding those morons with letters! Who's with me!?

Guarding against the dangers of Gardasil,

William Campbell Douglass II, M.D.

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